It Shouldn’t Be Taxing To Listen To Finished Audio Fiction — The End #85

Featuring WIRELAND RANCH & GHOST TAPE, +7 complete series, 2 season finales, and 8 new seasons coming soon!

Evo Terra
5 min readApr 19, 2024

Hooray! Tax day is behind us. Last year was… woof. Here’s to better figures in 2024!

Speaking of money, I must give a huge thanks to the fiction podcast powerhouse that is Lindsay Harris Friel for signing up ADWIT-the Audio Drama Writer’s Toolkit-as a Supporting Creative Shop! It’s a podcast with a simple premise: better writing leads to more good audio drama podcasts for all of us to enjoy. I appreciate your support, Lindsay. It means a lot. And if you’re inspired by Lindsay’s action and have a spare $25 bucks in your pocket, that’s all it takes to become a supporter of The End! 100% of the proceed go back into running the site, and I’m nowhere near break-even just yet. So if you can help, please do.

Speaking of help, a very gracious long-time fan of The End asked if they could do more. Like, a lot more. Like, 10x more! So yes, I happily accepted that wonderful and thoughtful contribution to the cause. So if you look at the support options and think, “Well, that’s too cheap,” know that I agree completely! Just drop me a note and I’ll send you a link so you can contribute as much as you’d like.

One last thing: I dropped a bomb on the podcast-listening app developer community last Sunday, with an article titled Unlocking the Potential of Fiction Podcasts: A Call to Podcast App Developers. If you’d like to understand the challenges new listeners of fiction podcasts face, give it a read. And if you read that last sentence thinking “I have no problems listening to fiction podcasts,” you should read it just to see all the hoops you’ve trained yourself to go through to improve your listening experience. Send your hate mail to [redacted].

There are plenty of newly and not-so-newly completed shows/seasons to let you know about, so let’s get into it, shall we?

— Evo

Featured Recommendations

I’ve listened to every episode of these shows, and proudly recommend them to you. As with all things in life, YMMV.

Wireland Ranch • 💉👁️🤯 Narrated/dramatized psychedelic horror series from Joseph Rutledge, Gas Station Drugs, and Rusty Quill. Hands down the weirdest, most trippy show I’ve heard all year. And I mean all of that in the best possible way. If you like weird things, you’ll love this. I did! Season 1 finale posted on 21 Dec 2023. Listen to the 22 current episodes in 11h 37m. Next season status: Slated for Jun 2024.

Ghost Tape • 👻🔈😱 Dramatized horror from QCODE. Great acting. Deep soundscaping. And it’s mostly free from minutes-long banging and screams without context that QCODE often gets dinged for. All 8 episodes of this limited series are available as of 14 Dec 2020 for a listening time of 3h 11m.

Recent Series Completions

These shows have recently reached the end of the entire story.

Dear Earth, I’m Really Sorry • 🤖 🔬💥 Dramatized scifi comedy series from Amy Thorstenson, and Littlest Viking Productions. This show highlights queer and women’s voices in the often male-dominated realm of sci-fi. Series complete as of 18 Apr 2024. Listen to all 16 episodes in 7h 25m.

Journeys In The Dark • 🗺️👨‍🦯👻 Dramatized comedy horror series from David Barr. All 6 episodes of this limited series are available as of 16 Apr 2024 for a listening time of 1h 21m.

Earth Rangers Underground • 🐿🦎😂 Dramatized ecology adventure comedy for kids from Earth Rangers, 9Story, and Gen-Z Media. Series complete as of 15 Apr 2024. Listen to all 5 episodes in 1h 12m.

Torchwood: Missing Molly • 👧🏼🔄🕰️ Dramatized scifi thriller from Gareth David-Lloyd and Big Finish. Series complete as of 11 Apr 2024. Listen to all 1 episodes in 1h 12m.

Recent Season Finales

These shows reached the end of a season recently, but more seasons are coming.

Stories From Ylelmore • 🐺🔮🟥 Dramatized slice of life fantasy series from ItMe!!. Season 1 finale posted on 17 Apr 2024. Listen to the 12 current episodes in 5h 55m. Next season status: Unknown.

Creation: A Whole New Reality — Book of Portals • 🌚🌠👽 Dramatized scifi horror anthology from Mikaila Simone Mack. Produced, written and narrated by Mikaila Simone, Winner of Art With Impact’s January 2023 Film Shorts Award. Season 2 finale posted on 12 Apr 2024. Listen to the 20 current episodes in 6h 21m. Next season status: Slated for May 2024.

New Seasons Coming Soon

Get caught up on the prior seasons of these shows before they return for a new season in a few days or weeks.

Season 2 of How to Get Ahead in Podcasting, a dramatized instructional comedic fiction series from “THE JAR AUDIO EXPERIENCE ™ team” and JAR, starts on 24 Apr 2024. Catch up with the current 6 episodes in 0h 45m. 🤪🎭🎛️

Season 5 of Syntax, a dramatized scifi horror series from Twin Strangers Productions, starts on 25 Apr 2024. Catch up with the current 36 episodes in 32h 39m. 📖🐚🧬

Season 2 of Your Horror Show, a dramatized horror anthology from Ryan Joseph Murphy, starts on 19 Apr 2024. Catch up with the current 10 episodes in 3h 50m. 😈👹👻

Season 5 of Malevolent, a dramatized Lovecraftian horror series from Harlan Guthrie and Rusty Quill, starts on 1 May 2024. Catch up with the current 41 episodes in 33h 12m. 🌑👤🔍

Season 2 of The Cara Files, a narrated scifi adventure and love story from Tony Warner, starts on 1 May 2024. Catch up with the current 10 episodes in 2h 40m. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🧠🌍

Season 4 of Harlem Queen, a dramatized fiction series from Yhane Washington Smith, starts on 5 May 2024. Catch up with the current 11 episodes in 3h 06m. 🙂😮🤔

Season 2 of Neurotic Literature, a narrated comedy series from James Lark, starts on 7 May 2024. Catch up with the current 10 episodes in 5h 01m. 🧐💀🫢

Season 2 of Don’t Mind: Sealskin Rock, a dramatized mystery series from Fool & Scholar Productions, starts on 14 May 2024. Catch up with the current 14 episodes in 8h 15m. 🦭🇨🇦🕵️‍♂️


Some not-so-recently completed or finale’d shows we’ve just added to our database.

Palimpsest • 🏚️🖤👻 Single-voice slow-burn horror series from Jamieson Ridenhour, Hayley Heninger, and Palimpsest Productions. All 50 episodes of this limited series are available as of 5 Mar 2024 for a listening time of 17h 48m.

Winnie Taylor’s 4th & Inches • 🏈🫱🏾‍🫲🏽🥹 Dramatized underdog sports story from Gen-Z Media. Series complete as of 26 Feb 2024. Listen to all 8 episodes in 3h 15m.

Beyond the Dark • 🌌🏙️👽 Dramatized and narrated scifi horror anthology from Mark R. Healy, and Beyond the Dark Productions. Series complete as of 13 Jul 2021. Listen to all 14 episodes in 6h 41m.

Check out the 85th issue for links to listen, descriptions, artwork, and more at

Want to listen to trailers for shows like these? Check out Binge-Listen: Finished Fiction Podcast Trailers, available wherever you get your podcasts.

That’s it from The End for this week. See you next Friday!

Originally published at



Evo Terra

Professional contrarian. On a mission to make fiction podcasting better. he/him. คุณ | |