Issue #83: Total Eclipse of Your Ears with Finished Audio Fiction

Featuring HUMAN-B-GON & THE POLYBIUS CONSPIRACY, + 7 complete series, 5 season finales, and 8 new seasons coming soon!

Evo Terra
6 min readApr 5, 2024

Ok, that title was a bit of a stretch. But if the weather plays nice, I’ll make the 16-hour drive-one-way-from Phoenix to south Texas so I can see Monday’s total eclipse with my own eyeballs. Rest assured I’ve queued up plenty of audio fiction to listen to for the drive!

It looks like Ryan Murphy of Your Horror Show fame is trying to buy my love after the grief he’s put me through on this upcoming season of the show, as he recently signed up as a Supporting Creative Shop, helping to financially support our efforts here at The End. And it totally worked! Thank you, Ryan. (Now-drop the damned next season!) For the rest of you lot, as I am fond of saying, BE LIKE RYAN

Before I get into the new listings in our directory, I want to highlight two more collections of finished audio fiction for you:

  • A.I. Is Going Great! — From Skynet to HAL9000, synthetic sentience was supposed to make our lives better. Yeah, right. Here in the real world, it feels like “A.I” (ironic quotes intentional) is encroaching on many aspects of our lives. This is nothing new to the world of science fiction, where synthetic life forms and assistive “robots” live alongside us human beings. But we’ve a long way to go before we get to that utopia. Here are some shows that highlight when things go-perhaps predictably-bad.
  • TV Tropes (But For Your Ears) — Sitcoms, soap operas, police procedurals, fake reality shows, and other types of storytelling popularized on the small screen. From the golden days of 3-channel broadcasting to today’s fractured world of streaming services, TV shows are a staple for billions of viewers around the world. This collection of audio fiction shows take their inspiration from formats that were originally conceived of and perfected (?) for TV viewers.

Browse those or the other collections to find your next fix when you’re in between newsletters. And speaking of newsletters…

Let’s get into it, shall we?

  • Evo

Featured Recommendations

I’ve listened to every episode of these shows, and proudly recommend them to you. As with all things in life, YMMV.

🧍🐝🚫 • HUMAN-B-GON — Dramatized scifi comedy from Human-B-Gon and Fable & Folly. The premise is a little (OK, a lot) silly. But the production value is… perfect. I don’t even want to think about how many hours each episode took to produce. But I know it’s not a small number. This fun scifi show that presents itself as a reality TV show isn’t to be missed. So sayeth me, and I know these things! Season 1 finale posted on 18 Apr 2023. Listen to the 11 current episodes in 6h 24m. Next season status: Unknown.

🕹️🌲🔥 • The Polybius Conspiracy — Dramatized thriller from Jon Frechette, Todd Luoto, and The Digital Campfire. Not all audio fiction sounds like all the other audio fiction. And Polybius is a great example of this. Very PRX… but fiction! Series complete as of 18 Aug 2022. Listen to all 7 episodes in 3h 28m.

Recent Series Completions

These shows have recently reached the end of the entire story.

🚀🌌🤖 • Ask Your Father — Dramatized scifi drama romance thriller series from Sean Williams, Gideon Media, and Fable & Folly. All 9 episodes of this limited series are available as of 4 Apr 2024 for a listening time of 3h 31m.

🧠🔮🚀 • Rewired — Dramatized scifi series from Matthew Broyles and the matthew show. A look into the mystery of the human mind, and what may lie beneath. Series complete as of 3 Apr 2024. Listen to all 26 episodes in 15h 28m.

🕵🏼‍♀️👻🏕 • The Crime at Camp Ashwood — Dramatized crime mystery series from Laura Hunter Drago, Dragon Hunter Productions, and New Girl Pictures. Winner Austin Film Festival Fiction Podcast Award 2023. Series complete as of 2 Apr 2024. Listen to all 12 episodes in 3h 03m.

🌊📼🔥 • The Sheridan Tapes — Dramatized horror/mystery series from Van Winkl, Virginia Spotts, Homestead on the Corner, and Realm. Produced by a majority queer cast and crew. Series complete as of 29 Mar 2024. Listen to all 100 episodes in 57h 13m.

👩🏽‍🔬🎥🤩 • Einstein and Elena — Dramatized romantic comedy from Meet Cute. POC leads. Series complete as of 29 Mar 2024. Listen to all 6 episodes in 1h 30m.

😂✌️😠 • The Porch Roof Classic — Serialized nostalgic coming-of-age comedy series from Jeff Polman. Created by a five-time published novelist and twice-produced screenwriter. All 16 episodes of this limited series are available as of 29 Mar 2024 for a listening time of 6h 44m.

Recent Season Finales

These shows reached the end of a season recently, but more seasons are coming.

🍺🧙‍♂️😂 • Dragon’s Rest — Dramatized fantasy sitcom from Darcy Thompson and Drunk Jester Media. Season 1 cliffhanger posted on 4 Apr 2024. Listen to the 8 current episodes in 3h 32m. Next season status: Unknown.

🕰️🚀🌌 • Dark Gallifrey: Morbius Part 1 — Dramatized Doctor Who scifi series from Tim Foley, and Big Finish. Season 1 finale posted on 3 Apr 2024. Listen to the 1 current episode in 1h 18m. Next season status: Slated for May 2024.

🌌📜🏙️ • The Earth Collective — Dramatized scifi mystery series from Michael Troup. Season 5 cliffhanger posted on 28 Mar 2024. Listen to the 50 current episodes in 15h 43m. Next season status: Unknown.

🚀🎸🌌 • The Adventures of the Rockabilly Space Force — Dramatized scifi comedy from The Rockabilly Space Force. Season 1 cliffhanger posted on 25 Mar 2024. Listen to the 15 current episodes in 3h 44m. Next season status: Slated for Jan 2026.

New Seasons Coming Soon

Get caught up on the prior seasons of these shows before they return for a new season in a few days or weeks.

Season 2 of Give Me Away, a dramatized scifi series from Gideon Media, starts on 11 Apr 2024. Excellent production, actors, and concept. If you like your alien encounter stories with a more human-side, this is the show for you! Catch up with the current 9 episodes in 5h 02m. 🛸🔊🤯

Season 4 of Midnight Burger, a dramatized scifi comedy series from Joe Fisher and Fable & Folly, starts on 16 Apr 2024. Ok, now I know why people get addicted to this show and never want it to end. It *feels* like Dr. Who, though it’s not *like* Dr. Who. The writing and acting is superb. The storylines as goofy as they are poignant, though it takes a while to see the latter. Catch up with the current 44 episodes in 41h 58m. 🍔🌌⏳

Season 2 of Remote, a dramatized parapsychological psych-fi thriller from Matthew Heinze and Hertz Up, starts on 16 Apr 2024. Catch up with the current 8 episodes in 2h 29m. 😵‍💫😯🤔

Season 2 of Strange Stories from Odd Folx, a narrated multigenre anthology from Lee Hulme and Team Cuddles Productions, starts on 17 Apr 2024. Catch up with the current 10 episodes in 3h 30m. 😱🏳️‍🌈🎭

Season 2 of Your Horror Show, a dramatized horror anthology from Ryan Joseph Murphy, starts on 19 Apr 2024. Catch up with the current 10 episodes in 3h 50m. 😈👹👻

Season 2 of How to Get Ahead in Podcasting, a dramatized instructional comedic fiction series from “THE JAR AUDIO EXPERIENCE ™ team” and JAR, starts on 24 Apr 2024. Catch up with the current 6 episodes in 0h 45m. 🤪🎭🎛️

Season 5 of Syntax, a dramatized scifi horror series from Twin Strangers Productions, starts on 25 Apr 2024. Catch up with the current 36 episodes in 32h 39m. 📖🐚🧬

Season 5 of Malevolent, a dramatized Lovecraftian horror series from Harlan Guthrie and Rusty Quill, starts on 1 May 2024. Catch up with the current 41 episodes in 33h 12m. 🌑👤🔍


Some not-so-recently completed or finale’d shows we’ve just added to our database.

🪐🧜🏼‍♂️🤖 • Second Star to the Left — Dramatized queer romance scifi series from Aysha U. Farah and E. Jade Lomax. All 10 episodes of this limited series are available as of 1 Jun 2021 for a listening time of 5h 33m.

😵‍💫🤔🤯 • A Fragile Mind — Dramatized dystopian scifi series from Joe Swenson and Broken Arts

Entertainment. Nominated for best drama at 2024 LA WebFest. Season 1 finale posted on 31 Dec 2023. Listen to the 13 current episodes in 4h 09m. Next season status: Slated for Dec 2034.

Check out the 83rd issue for links to listen, descriptions, artwork, and more at

Want to listen to trailers for shows like these? Check out Binge-Listen: Finished Fiction Podcast Trailers, available wherever you get your podcasts.

That’s it from The End for this week. See you next Friday!

Originally published at



Evo Terra

Professional contrarian. On a mission to make fiction podcasting better. he/him. คุณ | |