Issue #76: Finished Audio Fiction Just In Time For Boxing Valentine’s Day

Featuring THE DISPOSSESSED & NARCISSA +10 complete series, 8 season finales, and 9 new seasons starting soon!

Evo Terra
6 min readFeb 16, 2024

It was a banner week here at The End, thanks largely to Meet Cute, a production company and publisher focused on the romantic side of audio fiction. Seven of the updates below are from them as they work on getting their full catalog listed with us. Welcome! Most of those shows were added to our Love Is In (on?) The Air collection of shows, which is up to 43 shows, with more coming. If you didn’t get enough romance in your life yesterday, binge away!

Astute readers will notice our new Title Sponsor — Dupont Investigations. This horror/mystery series, which was co-created by LGBTQ individuals who were each honored as FY ’24 DC Arts and Humanities Fellows, recently posted the finale of their first season. It’s one of 44 shows added to our Loud and Proud! collection, and we are grateful for their support.

And yes, you too can be a Title Sponsor of The End. Or a Supporting Creative Shop. Or an Individual Supporter. Or, heck, you can buy me a beer if you like!

Seriously. These new collections are quite cool and, I think, a better way to discover additional shows you might like. I’ll have new collections to add next week, hopefully.

Let’s get into it, shall we?

  • Evo

Featured Recommendations

I’ve listened to every episode of these shows, and proudly recommend them to you. As with all things in life, YMMV.

🏕️😮☠️ • The Dispossessed — Dramatized supernatural thriller from Glisten+. The Dispossessed is part of a brand-new series of podcasts featuring top-tier SAG actors. It joins other series such as Can’t Relax, League of Wonder, and Boss Monster Adventures in the GLISTEN+ slate. The show is very well produced, and rather timely given the topic. It’s neither “jump scare” nor gory horror, so it may appeal to those who don’t normally go in for the frights. It’s a complete series with 8 episodes and a listening time of 2h 04m.

🧠🔪🏃‍♀️ • Narcissa — Dramatized scifi thriller from QCODE Media. This show is produced with all the QCODE quality you expect, presented as an unlikely scifi love story. It’s worth a listen and is complete with 8 episodes for a listening time of 4h 57m.

Recent Season Finales

These shows reached the end of a season recently, but more seasons are coming.

💀🕷️🧟‍♀️ • Morbid Forest — Narrated horror anthology from Shawn Moreau and Naomi Richards. Season 4 finale posted on 13 Feb 2024. Listen to the 52 current episodes in 25h 36m.

New Seasons Coming Soon

Get caught up on the prior seasons of these shows before they return for a new season in a few days or weeks.

Season 9 of Am I Old Yet?, a dramatised slice-of-life comedy series from Flloyd Kennedy & Thunder’s Mouth Theatre, starts on 16 Feb 2024. Catch up with the current 100 episodes in 21h 19m.

Season 6 of The Mysteries of Derlin County, a dramatized comedy parody from K&B, starts on 20 Feb 2024. Catch up with the current 87 episodes in 37h 30m.

Season 3 of Legacy Door, a narrated cosmic horror mystery series from Bob J. Koester & Dueling Genre Production, starts on 21 Feb 2024. Catch up with the current 18 episodes in 9h 03m.

Season 5 of Mission Rejected, a dramatized action spy comedy from The Porch Room, starts on 23 Feb 2024. Catch up with the current 48 episodes in 34h 38m.

Season 2 of Tales of the ZugarouX, a narrated/dramatized suspensful scifi series from Nel Zim, starts on 29 Feb 2024. Catch up with the current 14 episodes in 3h 31m.

Season 2 of The Cara Files, a narrated scifi adventure and love story from Tony Warner, starts on 1 Mar 2024. Catch up with the current 10 episodes in 2h 40m.

Season 3 of Samite, a narrated horror series from j.w.g. wise & from J.W.G. Wise & , starts on 4 Mar 2024. Catch up with the current 8 episodes in 3h 10m.

Season 2 of Oneiric, a dramatized scifi journal from Vincent Lauzon & PodCavern, starts on 4 Mar 2024. Catch up with the current 10 episodes in 2h 54m.

Season 2 of The Patient Files, a dramatized horror anthology from Christopher George & Dark Papers Entertainment, starts on 8 Mar 2024. Catch up with the current 23 episodes in 14h 16m.


Some not-so-recently completed or finale’d shows we’ve just added to our database.

✈️🔥🥂 • Guilt Trip — Dramatized romantic comedy series from Meet Cute. Completed on 22 Dec 2023 for a listening time of 1h 30m across 6 episodes.

🐬🛸🌊 • Ocean Dreams — Dramatized scifi comedy series from Mary Knauf and Jonathan Shifflett & Sleepy Time Productions. Completed on 21 Dec 2023 for a listening time of 5h 17m across 9 episodes.

📼🎧🌌 • Within the Wires — Narrated immersive fiction from Jeffrey Cranor, Janina Matthewson & Night Vale Presents. From the network and minds that brought you Welcome to Night Vale. Season 8 finale posted on 19 Dec 2023. Listen to the 80 current episodes in 29h 47m.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🕵️📺 • James Is Missing — Dramatized sit-com series from Meet Cute. Completed on 24 Nov 2023 for a listening time of 1h 30m across 6 episodes.

😈 📰 ✨ • The Devil Inside — Dramatized bromantic comedy series from Meet Cute. Completed on 20 Oct 2023 for a listening time of 1h 30m across 6 episodes.

🛍️🗽👩‍🌾 • Baby Girl — Dramatized rom-com series from Meet Cute. Starring Andrew Spencer from Bachelor in Paradise. Completed on 18 Aug 2023 for a listening time of 1h 30m across 6 episodes.

🌴✍️👯‍♀️ • The Golden Palm — Dramatized rom-com series from Meet Cute. Completed on 21 Jul 2023 for a listening time of 1h 30m across 6 episodes.

🏞️🛡️👥 • The MODUS Files — A Fallout Audio Drama Series — Dramatized/narrated scifi action adventure series from Lawrence McNamara & Robots Radio. Signal Award Winner — Best Fan Podcast 2023. Season 2 cliffhanger posted on 3 Jul 2023. Listen to the 41 current episodes in 34h 38m.

🤳🏻🎥 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏽 • My Date with Lainey Lee — Dramatized queer rom-com series from Meet Cute. Completed on 23 Jun 2023 for a listening time of 1h 30m across 6 episodes.

🏝️🎥🤪 • Sexy Island — Dramatized rom-com from Meet Cute. Completed on 21 Apr 2023 for a listening time of 1h 30m across 6 episodes.

🎲🏃🏽🏺 • ROGUE RUNNERS — Dramatized mythology-inspired actual play drama from The Whisperforge. Season 2 finale posted on 12 May 2022. Listen to the 32 current episodes in 29h 16m.

📽️🩸🔍 • The Last Movie — Narrated urban legend thriller series from Terry Miles & Public Radio Alliance, Minnow Beats Whale. From the minds that brought you Tanis, narrated by the same lead characters. Season 2 finale posted on 1 Dec 2020. Listen to the 12 current episodes in 6h 11m.

🔍⚠️💼 • Faerie — Narrated fantasy thriller series from Parcast & Public Radio Alliance, Minnow Beats Whale, Spotify Studios. By the folks who brought you Rabbits and Tanis. Completed on 20 Jul 2020 for a listening time of 6h 18m across 12 episodes.

🌈📻💖 • Love and Luck — Dramatized love stories from Passer Vulpes Productions. There is no cliffhanger. Season 2 finale posted on 10 Sep 2019. Listen to the 100 current episodes in 17h 28m.

🏜️⛺🔮 • CARAVAN — Dramatized supernatural adventure series from Tau Zaman & The Whisperforge. Season 1 finale posted on 14 Jun 2019. Listen to the 10 current episodes in 5h 22m.

⛯🗺️🧠 • The Far Meridian — Dramatized self-discovery fantasy series from Eli Barraza & The Whisperforge. Season 2 finale posted on 15 Apr 2019. Listen to the 28 current episodes in 7h 57m.

⛟💀🔍 • Alice Isn’t Dead — Narrated mystery thriller series from Joseph Fink & Night Vale Presents. From author Joseph Fink of Welcome to Night Vale. Completed on 28 Aug 2018 for a listening time of 12h 57m across 30 episodes in 3 seasons.

Check out the 76th issue for links to listen, descriptions, artwork, and more at

And have you listened to the companion podcast? It includes trailers, a bit of commentary, and is always short and sweet. Follow along at

That’s it from The End for this week. See you next Friday!

Originally published at



Evo Terra

Professional contrarian. On a mission to make fiction podcasting better. he/him. คุณ | |