Issue #70: Starting 2024 Off with a Completed Audio Fiction Bang!

Featuring TRANSMISSIONS FROM COLONY ONE & AMERICAN HOSTAGE + 5 complete series, 5 season finales, and 4 new seasons coming soon!

Evo Terra
5 min readJan 5, 2024

Welcome to 2024, fans of audio fiction! I hope we’re ready for this. 😬And I hope you’re ready for more complete audio fiction, because I’ve 16 shows to tell you about!

But before I do that, I want to give a huge and giant thanks to Brad Hudson and Philip Thorne. They’re the latest lovers of audio fiction who’ve become Individual Supporters of The End. My appreciation, Brad and Philip. May you inspire others to spend less than $0.50 per issue ($25 bucks a year) and sign up themselves.

And thanks to Sarah, who suggested the “cliffhanger” designation be added to season finales that warrant it. You’ll see two shows with that designation in this issue.

I’m running late, so I’m keeping this preamble short. Let’s get into it, shall we?

Featured Recommendations

I’ve listened to every episode of these shows, and proudly recommend them to you. As with all things in life, YMMV.

🚀👨‍🚀😱 • Transmissions From Colony One — Dramatized hard scifi series from John Richter & John Richter Creative. This show has such a fun storytelling device for a rather not-having-any-fun story of the survival of mankind It’s different, so give it a moment, and you’ll probably be as hooked as I was. Listen to the 51 current episodes of the 5 seasons in 19h 58m. Season 6 is slated for November 2024.

📻📞😰 • American Hostage — Dramatized thriller from Criminal Content | Wondery & Amazon Music. Stars Emmy Award-winner Jon Hamm and directed by Academy Award® winner Shawn Christensen. This show is intense. Which you probably got from the name. But I gotta tell you — it’s intense. And incredibly well produced. If you like intense shows, you’ll love it! It’s a complete series with 8 episodes and a listening time of 3h 30m.

Recently Completed Series

These shows have recently reached the end of the entire story.

🤖🚪🤯 • The Box — Dramatized sci-fi mystery series from Joey Scarillo, Tetra Stories & Burning Lake Productions. Completed on 4 Jan 2024, for a listening time of 2h 13m across 4 episodes in 1 season.

🖤❤️😨 • LampLight Radio Play — Dramatized “quiet horror” series from Andrew Wardlaw & Apokrupha, LLC. 2017 Sarah Award for Best New Producer. Completed on 1 Jan 2024, for a listening time of 3h 14m across 12 episodes in 3 seasons.

🌾🏙️🕵️ • Witness — Dramatized romantic thriller from Gideon Media & Audible Original, Paramount. From the team behind Steal The Stars and Give Me Away. Completed on 21 Dec 2023, for a listening time of 4h 42m across 10 episodes in 1 season.

Recent Season Finales

These shows reached the end of a season recently, but more seasons are coming.

📖🐚🧬 • Syntax — Dramatized scifi horror series from Twin Strangers Productions. Produced by a queer team led by a non-binary creator. Season 3 finale posted on 31 Dec 2023. Listen to the 37 current episodes in 33h 20m.

🧟‍♀️😂😲 • Gertrude Stunt Girl Zombie Killer — Dramatized apocalyptic comedy from Laura West Hall. Created by a mother/daughter team. Laura West Hall is an author, poet, playwright, and Abby Sage Hall is an actor, costume designer, and sound/video producer. Season 1 finale posted on 30 Dec 2023. Listen to the 8 current episodes in 2h 08m.

New Seasons Coming Soon

Get caught up on the prior seasons of these shows before they return for a new season in a few days or weeks.

Season 2 of Strange New Worlds And Spaced Out Tales, a narrated scifi anthology from Jim Cogan, starts on 17 Jan 2024. Catch up with the current 7 episodes in 3h 34m.

Season 2 of Lucidus Somnia, a Dramatized scifi thriller from Bargo Productions, starts on 17 Jan 2024. Catch up with the current 6 episodes in 2h 47m.

Season 2 of Sci-Ops Nova, a narrated scifi series from Jedi Reach & Antoni Media Productions, starts on 20 Jan 2024. Catch up with the current 12 episodes in 2h 37m.

Season 3 of Warlock, a dramatized anime-inspired D&D fantasy from Zachary Burrell and Pact & Boon, starts on 29 Jan 2024. Catch up with the current 22 episodes in 9h 32m.


Some not-so-recently completed or finale’d shows we’ve just added to our database.

🤖🕵️‍♀️🤯 • Tales From Metra — Narrated cyberpunk thriller series from Matt Keck. Written by the I’m a Snake and Wendy’s Twitter Guy. Season 1 finale posted on 11 Oct 2023. Listen to the 11 current episodes in 2h 13m.

✊🏽🧑🏽‍🌾🥂 • The Dinner Party — Dramatized historical fiction series from Kate Forristall & James Yaegashi & Moverz Group & Milliron Studios. The director and themajority of the cast are Japanese-Americans telling a story about the Japanese-American incarceration and post-war America. Completed on 25 Sep 2023, for a listening time of 1h 33m across 5 episodes in 1 season.

🏝️😲☠️ • Aftershock — Dramatized supernatural thriller series from Nomadic Engine, iHeart, and Salmira Productions. Season 1 was nominated for two Ambie Awards, and reached the top 100 podcasts in 2 weeks. Season 2 finale posted on 23 Sep 2023. Listen to the 20 current episodes in 11h 47m.

🤠🔥🎶 • Handsome Molly — Dramatized dystopian YA fiction near-future adventure romance series from JAR Audio & The Chop Theatre Company. Based on the YA fiction novel Restoring Harmony by Joelle Anthony. Season 1 finale posted on 19 Sep 2023. Listen to the 8 current episodes in 2h 21m.

✈️🏴‍☠️👨🏻‍✈️ • Airship Daedalus Radio Adventures — Dramatized retro adventure tale in the style of old pulp from Todd Downing, Despot Media, and Dramafy. Based on the comics. Completed on 27 Jan 2023, for a listening time of 1h 37m across 4 episodes in 1 seasons.

Check out the 70th issue for links to listen, descriptions, artwork, and more at

And have you listened to the companion podcast? It includes trailers, a bit of commentary, and is always short and sweet. Follow along at

That’s it from The End for this week. See you next Friday!

Originally published at



Evo Terra

Professional contrarian. On a mission to make fiction podcasting better. he/him. คุณ | |