Issue #64: Don’t Be a Turkey. Listen to Completed Audio Fiction While You Eat!

Featuring Slay & Shipworm + 4 complete series, 4 season finales, and 4 new seasons coming soon!

Evo Terra
4 min readNov 24, 2023

Yesterday, the 64th issue of The End, the weekly newsletter that shines a light back on audio fiction shows after they’ve reached the finale of a season or the conclusion of the series, was sent to 1,869 inboxes around the world. If your inbox wasn’t one of them, here’s what you missed:

Featured Shows

These are my personal recommendations for great audio fiction. As with all things in life, YMMV.

🔪👹🥃 • Scott Sigler Slices: SLAY — Narrated scifi horror from Empty Set Entertainment & Realm. Evo’s take: It’s a fun romp, if you like bounty hunters, contract killers, drug dealers, and magic. And, as it turns out, I do! Also, how the episodes were created is something of interest as well. (Finale with 1 season, 35 episodes for a listening time of 17h 28m.)

🚢🪱👂 • Shipworm — Narrated scifi horror from Two-Up. Evo’s take: There’s a lot to love about this show. It’s exceedingly well produced, has top-notch actors, and is complete with a single file. Yes. That’s right. A single, almost 2-hour-long audio file. Makes listening pretty easy! (Complete with 1 season, 1 episode for a listening time of 1h 54m.)

Complete Series

These shows have reached the end of the entire story so that you can enjoy the whole tale all at once!

🎄🎭✨ • SCROOGE: A Christmas Carol — Dramatized classic holiday story from Mark Ramsey Media & Hope Media Group. Notes from creator: All star cast featuring Sean Astin as Ebenezer Scrooge and John Rhys Davies as the narrator. (Season 1 finale posted on 16 Nov 2023. Listen to the 4 current episodes in 2h 00m.)

🏕️😮☠️ • The Dispossessed — Dramatized supernatural thriller from Glisten+. Notes from creator: The Dispossessed is part of a brand new series of podcasts featuring top-tier SAG actors. (Season 1 finale posted on 6 Nov 2023. Listen to the 8 current episodes in 2h 04m.)

😎👹😳 • The Existence of the Quatiblis Project — Dramatized horror series from Mike Gasaway & Gasman Group. Notes from creator: Produced by the director of The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron and Back at the Barnyard. (Season 2 finale posted on 6 Nov 2023. Listen to the 21 current episodes in 2h 36m.)

🤗🌊💔 • Y2K Audio Drama — Dramatized slice of life series from Karin Heimdahl / Y2K Productions. Notes from creator: Female-led, strong LGBTQ+ representation in both story and cast. (Season 2 finale posted on 31 Dec 2021. Listen to the 66 current episodes in 20h 49m.)

Season Finales

These shows have reached the end of a season, but more seasons are in the works:

😮🔎🤯 • Everyone and No One — Narrated murder mystery from Ian Tuason & DimensionGate Inc.. Notes from creator: Ian Tuason is the POC Founder of, a fiction podcast production company based in Canada, a 2016 Watty Award-Winner, the world’s largest writing competition, and a well-rated author on (Season 1 finale posted on 21 Nov 2023. Listen to the 9 current episodes in 3h 22m.)

🌞🎢🕵️‍♀️ • Mockery Manor — Dramatized comedy mystery series from Long Cat Media. (Season 3 finale posted on 17 Nov 2023. Listen to the 37 current episodes in 17h 06m.)

💙🌙🌅 • Sci-Ops Nova — Narrated scifi series from Jedi Reach & Antoni Media Productions. Notes from creator: The Project takes audiobooks to another level with its immersive audio, sound effects, and cutting-edge A.I. and voice mods. (Season 1 finale posted on 7 Sep 2023. Listen to the 12 current episodes in 2h 37m.)

💀🪦🔎 • Grim: A Haunted Mansion Fable — Dramatized supernatural mystery from Mason “Mr. UnofficialCEO” Betterly. Notes from creator: This podcast is the culmination of over half a century worth of Haunted Mansion lore, painstakingly crafted into one comprehensive and compelling timeline. (Season 1 finale posted on 19 Jul 2023. Listen to the 3 current episodes in 1h 29m.)

New Seasons Coming Soon

Get caught up on the prior finished seasons of these shows before they start up again soon!

Season 3 of Vivika Widow’s Knock Knock, a narrated thriller series from Vivika Widow & Torrance Media, starts on 25 Nov 2023. (Catch up with the current 40 episodes in 13h 00m.)

Season 2 of Derelict, a dramatized immersive far-future scifi series from J. Barton Mitchell & Night Rocket Productions, starts on 27 Nov 2023. (Catch up with the current 10 episodes in 10h 53m.)

Season 2 of The Dex Legacy, a dramatized political-military sci-fi series from Emily Inkpen & Alternative Stories, starts on 27 Nov 2023. (Catch up with the current 13 episodes in 5h 06m.)

Season 2 of Armageddon Series, a dramatized fantasy series from Terry Tibke, starts on 1 Dec 2023. (Catch up with the current 30 episodes in 13h 40m.)

Check out the 64th issue for links to listen, descriptions, artwork, and more at

And have you listened to the companion podcast? It includes trailers, a bit of commentary, and is always short and sweet. Follow along at

That’s it from The End for this week. See you next Friday!

Originally published at



Evo Terra

Professional contrarian. On a mission to make fiction podcasting better. he/him. คุณ | |