Ghosts In The Finished Audio Fiction Machine — Issue #59 of The End.

Featuring Who Killed Avril Lavigne? & We Fix Space Junk + 4 complete series, 2 season finales, and 9 new seasons coming soon!

Evo Terra
3 min readOct 20, 2023

Yesterday, the 59th issue of The End, the weekly newsletter that shines a light back on audio fiction shows after they’ve reached the finale of a season or the conclusion of the series, was sent to 1,754 inboxes around the world. If your inbox wasn’t one of them, here’s what you missed:

Featured Shows

These are my personal recommendations for great audio fiction. As with all things in life, YMMV.

🤘🏼🎸🛸 • Who Killed Avril Lavigne?, a dramatized scifi comedy from Super Normal Productions (Complete, 1 season, 8 episodes | 4h 40m — Come for the 90s music, stay for the comedy. This one is a non-stop riot that hits all the marks for a quality show.)

🚀🔧🌌 • We Fix Space Junk, a dramatized scifi comedy from Battle Bird Productions (4 seasons, 48 episodes | 14h 50m — I didn’t think this show was for me, but then I listened and proved myself wrong. It’s funny and thoughtful at the same time. A nice and cozy listen, I think!)

Complete Series

These shows have reached the end of the entire story so that you can enjoy the whole tale all at once!

🌟📖🌆 • Koreaboo, a dramatized romcom series from Shenee Howard & Audible (Complete, 1 season, 10 episodes | 4h 16m )

🌙👻🔦 • Are You Afraid of the Dark? The Official Podcast, a dramatized YA horror series from Nickelodeon Podcasts & Audible (Complete, 1 season, 6 episodes | 1h 37m)

🎤💥🚓 • Chartreuse’s Epic Rap Battle, a dramatized comedy from Deep Drag (Complete, 1 season, 6 episodes | 2h 00m)

⛏️🔮😇 • Power from the Blazing Stone, a narrated scifi series from Alexander Augustus & Alexander Augustus (Complete, 1 season, 5 episodes | 0h 56m — This was an artwork collaboration with Cornish Lithium, the first lithium mine in Europe.)

Season Finales

These shows have reached the end of a season, but more seasons are in the works:

🦸🏼‍♂️🦹🏼‍♀️🎙 • The Late Night Power Hour with Chip Silver, a dramatized late night talkshow set in a world with superheroes from Ari Goldberg & Asylum Podcasts (1 season, 10 episodes | 5h 44m)

🕵🏻‍♂️🚫🤣 • Mission Rejected, a dramatized action spy comedy from The Porch Room (4 seasons, 48 episodes | 34h 38m — Gold selection Hear Now Audio Festival 2022)

New Seasons Coming Soon

Get caught up on the prior finished seasons of these shows before they start up again soon!

  • Season 2 of Chaika, a dramatized dystopian scifi from Karin Heimdahl & Y2K Productions, starts on 20 Oct 2023 (3h 39m thru Season 1) 🚀😥🕊️
  • Season 6 of The White Vault, a dramatized horror from Fool & Scholar Productions, starts on 24 Oct 2023 (26h 35m thru Season 5) 💀❄️😈
  • Season 6 of The Mistholme Museum of Mystery Morbidity and Mortality, a dramatised supernatural mystery from Dom Guilfoyle starts on 26 Oct 2023 (26h 25m thru Season 5) 🤖🧚‍♂️😱
  • Season 2 of October’s Children, a dramatized paranormal mystery/action horror series from Jacob Mandel & Derrick Valen, starts on 30 Oct 2023 (4h 10m thru Season 1) 🌹🦷🌷
  • Season 2 of Hannahpocalypse, a dramatized horror comedy from Red Fathom Entertainment & Fable & Folly, starts on 31 Oct 2023 (6h 50m thru Season 1) 💛🧟‍♀️🖤
  • Season 3 of Vampires of White Chapel, a dramatized supernatural horror from Transmissions From Atlantis Entertainment, starts on 31 Oct 2023 (7h 48m thru Season 2) 🧛‍♂️🎃👮‍♀️
  • Season 2 of Insider Worldbuilding, a dramatized fantasy world-building and exploration from Fox Keyes starts on 2 Nov 2023 (4h 48m thru Season 1) 👻 🧙‍♂️🫠
  • Season 2 of When Everything Cracks, a narrated mental health memoir from Duncan MacLeod, starts on 5 Nov 2023 (4h 05m thru Season 1) ⚕️🤯😆
  • Season 2 of The Crossing Guard Tapes, a blended narrated/dramatized 80s adventure from Jim Waters, starts on 16 Nov 2023 (1h 22m thru Season 1) 🚸🛑📼

Check out the 59th issue for links to listen, descriptions, artwork, and more at

And have you listened to the companion podcast? It includes trailers, a bit of commentary, and is always short and sweet. Follow along at

That’s it from The End for this week. See you next Friday!

Originally published at



Evo Terra

Professional contrarian. On a mission to make fiction podcasting better. he/him. คุณ | |