Fix Your Feelings Of Existential Dread With Finished Audio Fiction

Featuring THE HACKER CHRONICLES & UNDERWOOD AND FLINCH, +5 complete series, 6 season finales, and 7 new seasons coming soon!

Evo Terra
5 min readApr 26, 2024

In case you hadn’t noticed, the world is kinda on fire right now. And while staying connected to the various conflicts is a Very Good Idea, so is taking a break from the existential dread that is life at the end of April 2024. May you find some solace in these new listings of completed audio fiction on The End.

Alternately, you could do what I do and consume some post-apocalyptic audio fiction, where things are probably much worse than we’re currently experiencing. Because sometimes, vicariously experiencing an even more terrifying hellscape gives a helpful perspective. Or motivational, depending on your proclivities.

So check out my collection of apocalyptic and post-civilization tales that show life goes on, entitled We Had A Good Run, People. The stories contained in the collection give a variety of takes on the topic and the severity of which we are… well, screwed. Enjoy (?) these selections of the darker side of “what happens next?”

I’m too tired to even beg for more of you to become Individual Supporters today, so with that…

Let’s get into it, shall we?

- Evo

Featured Recommendations

I’ve listened to every episode of these shows, and proudly recommend them to you. As with all things in life, YMMV.

The Hacker Chronicles • 👩‍💻🎤🍷 Dramatized thriller series from Tenable and Caspian Studios. The show stars Michael C. Hall and Chloe Taylor. Unlike other fictional shows about hacking, everything on this show can actually happen or has — it’s researched extensively by Tenable, one of the world’s leading cybersecurity companies. If you’re bothered by the hand-wavy crap that is most cybersecurity tales, this will blow you away. Incredible production. Top-notch actors. And a compelling story that feels like it could happen today. (And, probably has.) Series complete as of 6 Oct 2023. Listen to all 22 episodes in 8h 13m.

Underwood and Flinch • 🧛🏼‍♂️😱😄 Narrated horror series from Mike Bennett. This feed has all of Mike Bennett’s public podcasts in one place: Three seasons of Underwood and Flinch; the thriller, One Among The Sleepless; his short stories; his readings of classic stories, including 18 from H.P. Lovecraft; and his complete and unabridged reading of Bram Stoker’s Dracula. This is one of my favorite series from the early days of podcast fiction. Mike is a fabulous storyteller, and his voice is perfect for the story he wrote. You’ll dig it! Season 4 finale posted on 26 Apr 2023. Listen to the 85 current episodes in 60h 13m. Next season status: Season 5 now releasing.

Recent Series Completions

These shows have recently reached the end of the entire story.

Leah’s Gals • 🎰💔🔥 Dramatized slice-of-life series from Andrew Biss and Mind’s Eye Podcasts. Loosely based on Shakespeare’s epic tragedy King Lear, set in the present-day American South. Series complete as of 24 Apr 2024. Listen to all 5 episodes in 2h 12m.

Our Love: Diary of a Prince • 🌹⭐❤️ Narrated queer romance audiobook from Cameron Holder. Written, produced, and narrated by a queer POC. Series complete as of 17 Apr 2024. Listen to all 10 episodes in 3h 40m.

Recent Season Finales

These shows reached the end of a season recently, but more seasons are coming.

Space Train • 🚆🚀🥹 — Dramatized sci-fi comedy series from Aaron Garrett & Pronoia Theater. Season 1 cliffhanger posted on 24 Apr 2024. Listen to the 14 current episodes in 3h 43m.

Retrograde • 🎸🔫🎭 — Dramatized post-apocalyptic dramedy series from Joey Gutierrez & Strange Matter Productions. Season 1 cliffhanger posted on 19 Apr 2024. Listen to the 10 current episodes in 3h 43m.

Am I Old Yet? • 👵🏼🦸⏳ Dramatised slice-of-life comedy series from Flloyd Kennedy and Thunder’s Mouth Theatre. Indie audio fiction about life, the universe and stuff, created and produced by one old woman, flying the banner for anti-ageism! Season 9 finale posted on 19 Apr 2024. Listen to the 110 current episodes in 23h 39m. Next season status: Slated for Aug 2024.

Uncanny Valley • 👻🙃❄️ Dramatized horror series from Dayton Writers Movement and Realm. Season 1 finale posted on 18 Apr 2024. Listen to the 9 current episodes in 5h 41m. Next season status: Unknown.

New Seasons Coming Soon

Get caught up on the prior seasons of these shows before they return for a new season in a few days or weeks.

Season 2 of Your Horror Show, a dramatized horror anthology from Ryan Joseph Murphy, starts on 19 Apr 2024. Catch up with the current 10 episodes in 3h 50m. 😈👹👻

Season 5 of Malevolent, a dramatized Lovecraftian horror series from Harlan Guthrie and Rusty Quill, starts on 1 May 2024. Catch up with the current 41 episodes in 33h 12m. 🌑👤🔍

Season 2 of The Cara Files, a narrated scifi adventure and love story from Tony Warner, starts on 1 May 2024. Catch up with the current 10 episodes in 2h 40m. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🧠🌍

Season 4 of Harlem Queen, a dramatized fiction series from Yhane Washington Smith, starts on 5 May 2024. Catch up with the current 11 episodes in 3h 06m. 🙂😮🤔

Season 2 of Neurotic Literature, a narrated comedy series from James Lark, starts on 7 May 2024. Catch up with the current 10 episodes in 5h 01m. 🧐💀🫢

Season 3 of Creation: A Whole New Reality, a dramatized scifi horror anthology from Mikaila Simone Mack, starts on 17 May 2024. Catch up with the current 20 episodes in 6h 21m. 🌚🌠👽

Season 2 of The BEAM Chronicles, a dramatized scifi superhero series from MJ Dooney, starts on 18 May 2024. Catch up with the current 25 episodes in 12h 35m. 💥☠️⚖️


Some not-so-recently completed or finale’d shows we’ve just added to our database.

Cypress Creek • 🤭😜🏡 Dramatized dark comedy series from Voyage Media. Hit #5 of all fiction podcasts upon release. All 8 episodes of this limited series are available as of 11 Mar 2024 for a listening time of 3h 23m.

Asunder • 👽🚀⚔️ Narrated scifi alt history series from John Mierau. Series complete as of 10 Mar 2024. Listen to all 10 episodes in 2h 50m.

Storypillar • 😂😨🥰 Narrated social and emotional stories for kids from Meg Lewis. Winner of a 2024 Sonic Bloom Award for sound design. Series complete as of 25 Dec 2023. Listen to all 21 episodes in 8h 54m.

What’s Poppin’ Penny? • 👧🏾🐻💞 Dramatized kids & family adventure series from Toni Kennedy. Written and produced by neuroatypical POC creator. Voted “Best Podcast for Kids 3+ and Families 2023” by Common Sense Media. Series complete as of 13 Oct 2023. Listen to all 10 episodes in 2h 01m.

Wooden Overcoats • 😂😜⚰️ Dramatized comedy series from Tom Crowley. Series complete as of 31 Mar 2022. Listen to all 34 episodes in 21h 36m.

Check out the 86th issue for links to listen, descriptions, artwork, and more at

Want to listen to trailers for shows like these? Check out Binge-Listen: Finished Fiction Podcast Trailers, available wherever you get your podcasts.

That’s it from The End for this week. See you next Friday!

Originally published at



Evo Terra

Professional contrarian. On a mission to make fiction podcasting better. he/him. คุณ | |