De-funking Myself with 12 Completed Audio Fiction Stories —The End #71:

Featuring A HAPPY BUREAUCRACY & DIRTY DIANA, +2 complete series, 4 season finales, and 4 new seasons coming soon!

Evo Terra
4 min readJan 12, 2024

I’ve been in a funk the last couple of days. Rather than burden you with that (I’ll get over it), I’ll just tell you briefly about a report I released at the end of last week. It gets into some of 2023’s interesting audio fiction data, at least as we have it in our ever-growing fiction podcast-and more-directory. It’s long, but with lots of pie charts to illustrate the data.

If you’re not a data nerd, scroll down to the end of the report to where I list out 37 of the shows completed last year that I think are fabulous.

I’m going to take another SSRI now. Let’s get into it, shall we?

- Evo

Yesterday, the 71st issue of The End, the weekly newsletter that shines a light back on audio fiction shows after they’ve reached the finale of a season or the conclusion of the series, was sent to 2,000+ inboxes around the world. If your inbox wasn’t one of them, here’s what you missed:

Featured Recommendations

I’ve listened to every episode of these shows, and proudly recommend them to you. As with all things in life, YMMV.

☢️🤪🥫 • A Happy Bureaucracy — Narrated post-apocalyptic parody from M.P. Fitzgerald. Such a strange story, which is clearly a big draw for me. It’s well-narrated and has an excellent pace. It takes a little work to buy into the premise, but once you do, it’s a lot of fun! There’s more to the story coming, but you’ll enjoy the 37 episodes of the first two seasons in 11h 33m.

🫦🎙️🤫 • Dirty Diana — Dramatized drama from QCODE. Starring and executive produced by Demi Moore. I like this one for a lot of reasons. The core store is fascinating. The production is top-notch. And then… Demi Moore, of course. The story is complete in a single 6-episode season, giving you 4h 22m of enjoyment.

Recently Completed Series

These shows have recently reached the end of the entire story.

🦉🛰️🕰️ • Wyrd Woman — Dramatized modern slipstream fantasy from Broads and Books Productions. Written, performed, and produced by a queer autistic creator; Women-led production company. Completed on 10 Jan 2024, for a listening time of 2h 45m across 9 episodes in 1 season.

Recent Season Finales

These shows reached the end of a season recently, but more seasons are coming.

🪄🐒☄️ • Shadow Realm — Dramatized magical coming-of-age tale focused on Vedic mythology from Reenita Malhotra & SpokenLayer. Story written by a South Asian woman — think Harry Potter with a South Asian spin. Awards include finalist in Script2Comic competition, Finalist in 2023 Santa Barbara International ScreenPlay Awards, 2023 New Media Film Festival Official Selection. Season 2 finale posted on 10 Jan 2024. Listen to the 40 current episodes in 6h 38m.

📓🧬🤯 • Six Minutes — Dramatized adventure mystery for all the family from Gen-Z Media. Season 3 finale posted on 4 Jan 2024. Listen to the 275 current episodes in 38h 43m.

👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🧠🌍 • The Cara Files — Narrated scifi adventure and love story from Tony Warner. Written and produced by the author. Season 1 cliffhanger posted on 25 Dec 2023. Listen to the 10 current episodes in 2h 40m.

💉👁️🤯 • Wireland Ranch — Narrated/Dramatized Psychedelic Horror from Joseph Rutledge & Gas Station Drugs & Rusty Quill. Season 1 finale posted on 21 Dec 2023. Listen to the 22 current episodes in 11h 37m.

New Seasons Coming Soon

Get caught up on the prior seasons of these shows before they return for a new season in a few days or weeks.

Season 2 of Strange New Worlds And Spaced Out Tales, a narrated scifi anthology from Jim Cogan, starts on 17 Jan 2024. Catch up with the current 7 episodes in 3h 34m.

Season 2 of Lucidus Somnia, a Dramatized scifi thriller from Bargo Productions, starts on 17 Jan 2024. Catch up with the current 6 episodes in 2h 47m.

Season 2 of Sci-Ops Nova, a narrated scifi series from Jedi Reach & Antoni Media Productions, starts on 20 Jan 2024. Catch up with the current 12 episodes in 2h 37m.

Season 3 of Warlock, a dramatized anime-inspired D&D fantasy from Zachary Burrell and Pact & Boon, starts on 29 Jan 2024. Catch up with the current 22 episodes in 9h 32m.


Some not-so-recently completed or finale’d shows we’ve just added to our database.

🏃🔫🤖 • The Redline — Dramatized scifi race to freedom from Izaic Yorks. Produced and narrated by fantasy author and professional athlete, Izaic Yorks. Completed on 25 Sep 2023, for a listening time of 1h 59m across 14 episodes in 1 season.

Check out the 71th issue for links to listen, descriptions, artwork, and more at

And have you listened to the companion podcast? It includes trailers, a bit of commentary, and is always short and sweet. Follow along at

That’s it from The End for this week. See you next Friday!

Originally published at



Evo Terra

Professional contrarian. On a mission to make fiction podcasting better. he/him. คุณ | |