Baseball Is Over. But There’s Always Completed Audio Fiction!

Evo Terra
4 min readNov 3, 2023
Featuring Fey Hollow: The Fairy Tale Murders & Murder in HR + 5 complete series, 5 season finales, and 3 new seasons coming soon!

Since I’m based in Phoenix, I’m contractually obligated to feel bad for our team losing. But then again, I’ve never been a baseball fan. I’ll live!

But you know what would help me live? You (yes, you!) deciding today is the day to become an Individual Supporter of The End. Teeny-tiny contributions from those who love this newsletter, website, and podcast help keep things running. And as we keep building out new features, our costs-actual money costs, not just time investments-start to add up. Quickly. Your small contribution will keep this service free for a long, long time.

So pretty please, with a cherry (or a cherry pie, I’m easy) on top, become a supporter of The End.

Let’s get into it, shall we?

- Evo

Featured Shows

These are my personal recommendations for great audio fiction. As with all things in life, YMMV.

🧚🌃😵 • Fey Hollow: The Fairy Tale Murders — Dramatized urban fantasy thriller from AXN Asia. Notes from creator: International cast, choose your own adventure. Evo’s take: Police procedural in the Fey realm with a talented cast and a rich sound design. What’s not to love? (Complete with 1 season, 9 episodes for a listening time of 2h 56m.)

🕵️‍♀️🔌🚢 • Murder in HR — Dramatized comedy mystery from Caspian Studios. Notes from creator: Stars Kate Mara and Brett Gelman. Evo’s take: This show is quite absurd (and I love absurd things) with great sound and a fun storyline. Interestingly enough, it also features a giant and for-real product placement throughout. But really, that’s not an issue. Just settle in and enjoy not having to FFW through ad breaks! (Finale with 1 season, 12 episodes for a listening time of 3h 54m.)

Complete Series

These shows have reached the end of the entire story so that you can enjoy the whole tale all at once!

😔🥺🫶 • The Girl Across the Lake — Dramatized mystery series from Riffage Media. (Complete with 1 season, 5 episodes for a listening time of 0h 57m.)

🥪🍲🍰 • Gastronaut — Narrated speculative fiction food thriller from Aaron Kling. Notes from creator: Our series features a non-binary deuteragonist and an ongoing struggle between a south-east Asian diaspora against imperialist powers. (Complete with 2 seasons, 19 episodes for a listening time of 16h 48m.)

🧛‍♀️🪦🤝 • Mina and Lucy’s Guide to Slaying Dracula — Dramatized horror comedy from Gen-Z Media. (Complete with 1 season, 20 episodes for a listening time of 4h 49m.)

👁️🦋👽 • The Eye — Dramatized horror mystery from Kestrel and the Fox. Notes from creator: This show was a labor of love, made by friends for our weird spooky friends. We really hope you like it and keep an ear out for the amazing chemistry between our two leads. (Complete with 1 season, 4 episodes for a listening time of 1h 53m.)

🥰👻🏳️‍🌈 • Monstrous Agonies — Dramatised urban fantasy from H.R. Owen & Monstrous Productions. Notes from creator: Monstrous Agonies won the 2022 British Fantasy Award for Best Audio. (Complete with 3 seasons, 111 episodes for a listening time of 29h 47m.)

Season Finales

These shows have reached the end of a season, but more seasons are in the works:

🧛🎃😨 • Storytime With Silas — Dramatized horror anthology from Majestic Goose Network. Notes from creator: This is an annual, weekly show (wow that doesn’t sound right?!). We release every Thursday in October (and only October). (Finale with 3 seasons, 12 episodes for a listening time of 4h 02m.)

🎙️🔫😱 • Fear, A Love Story — Dramatized fact and fiction living together from Deborah Goodwin, Ginni Media, and High Street Films. Notes from creator: Diverse cast of highly talented and acclaimed actors (Finale with 2 seasons, 11 episodes for a listening time of 2h 24m.)

😱👻🐝 • Ghost Wax — Dramatized fantasy horror anthology from Far and Tall Tales. (Finale with 1 season, 46 episodes for a listening time of 22h 57m.)

🥷👵🏹 • The Thief — Dramatized low-fantasy roguish mystery from Michael Schofield. (Finale with 1 season, 9 episodes for a listening time of 3h 06m.)

😮🫣🌆 • Vivika Widow’s Knock Knock — Narrated thriller series from Vivika Widow & Torrance Media. Notes from creator: Vivika Widow supports Ragdolls UK charity funding support for children affected by genetic disorders. (Finale with 2 seasons, 40 episodes for a listening time of 13h 00m.)

New Seasons Coming Soon

Get caught up on the prior finished seasons of these shows before they start up again soon!

  • Season 2 of When Everything Cracks, a narrated mental health memoir from Duncan MacLeod, starts on 5 Nov 2023 (Listening time for season 1: 4h 05m) ⚕️🤯😆
  • Season 2 of The Crossing Guard Tapes, a blended narrated/dramatized 80s adventure from Jim Waters, starts on 16 Nov 2023 (Listening time for season 1: 1h 22m) 🚸🛑📼
  • Season 2 of The Dex Legacy, a dramatized political military sci-fi series from Emily Inkpen & Alternative Stories, starts on 27 Nov 2023 (Listening time for season 1: 5h 06m)

Check out the 61st issue for links to listen, descriptions, artwork, and more at

And have you listened to the companion podcast? It includes trailers, a bit of commentary, and is always short and sweet. Follow along at

That’s it from The End for this week. See you next Friday!

Originally published at



Evo Terra

Professional contrarian. On a mission to make fiction podcasting better. he/him. คุณ | |